Students attend class under new classroom conditions at Avicenna University in Kabul, Afghanistan September 6, 2021, in this picture obtained by REUTERS from social media. Social media handout/via REUTERS. THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. MANDATORY CREDIT. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES.
As promised by the Taliban, university classes inclusive of male and female students has commenced in Afghanistan.
However, pictures which have made the rounds in the internet show students studying while separated by a curtain. The new development is a result of the Taliban’s order for women attending private Afghan universities to wear abaya robe and niqab covering most of the face, and classes segregated by sex or at least a divide curtain.
The Taliban’s education authority in a lengthy document, also ordered that female students should only be taught by female teachers, noting that: “Universities are required to recruit female teachers for female students based on their facilities,” but if it is impossible, they “should try to hire old men teachers who have a good record of behaviour”.
Further, female students in Afghanistan now have to study separately, and must end their lectures five minutes earlier than men in other not to mingle outside with them. The women would now have to stay in waiting rooms until the men have vacated the building.
India Today
Featured Image Source: Reuters